Windows 8 e pe drumul cel bun – 500.000 download-uri

de: Alexandru Rizea
15 09. 2011

In urma lansarii editiei pentru developeri, la numai 12 ore dupa activarea link-urilor de download, CEO-ul Microsoft, Steve Balmer, a iesit pe scena de la Build si printre altele, a afirmat cu mandrie ca noul OS, chiar si in aceasta versiune incipienta, a fost descarcat de 500.000 de utilizatori.

Sa existe oare un interes crescut pentru versiunile de sisteme de operare care nu sunt prea aproape de lansarea pe piata sau pur si simplu lumea a inceput deja sa se sature si de Windows 7?

Windows 8 Developer Preview se poate descarca gratuit de la urmatoarele adrese:

Windows Developer Preview with developer tools English, 64-bit (x64)


Sha 1 hash – 6FE9352FB59F6D0789AF35D1001BD4E4E81E42AF

All of the following come on a disk image file (.iso). See below for installation instructions.

64-bit Windows Developer Preview Windows SDK for Metro style apps Microsoft Visual Studio 11 Express for Windows Developer Preview Microsoft Expression Blend 5 Developer Preview 28 Metro style apps including the BUILD Conference app Windows Developer Preview English, 64-bit (x64)


Sha 1 hash – 79DBF235FD49F5C1C8F8C04E24BDE6E1D04DA1E9

Includes a disk image file (.iso) to install the Windows Developer Preview and Metro style apps on a 64-bit PC.

Windows Developer Preview English, 32-bit (x86)


Sha 1 hash – 4E0698BBABE01ED27582C9FC16AD21C4422913CC

Includes a disk image file (.iso) to install the Windows Developer Preview and Metro style apps on a 32-bit PC.